Telelogic Aims to Improve Collaboration, Enterprise Planning and IT Implementati |
14.04.08 |
This article is dedicated to innovative solutions aimed at helping corporations to apply planning information for better decisions and efficient application improvement. On January 24th Telelogic solution provider has released several technology improvements targeted at helping different kinds of companies to improve their commerce planning and realization projects. According to the solution provider words, for the purpose of enabling international group partnership, strengthening ERP abilities, and giving power to organizations to develop IT solutions that will help to achieve their business aims were created lately integrated solutions. Among the company's latest publications are the newest releases of Telelogic System Architect, its project structural design and commerce analysis solution; Telelogic Tau, a model-driven development (MDD) solution for enterprise IT development; and new incorporation between the two solutions. The Telelogic Company expands its offers in the field of enterprise architecture, business optimization, business analysis and IT realization either for service-oriented architecture (SOA) or more conventional surroundings. The tactic of Telelogic Company is to enable a greater circle of people inside of business – considering enterprise architects, business analysts, IT developers and executives – the possibility to take more active part in the enterprise architecture-to-IT process. The executive vice president of the Modeling Solutions Product Division at Telelogic, Greg Sikes said that their clients could employ innovative possibilities to realize effectively the potential influence of realizing their strategies. Greg Sikes underlined that the goal of Telelogic is to improve cooperation, planning and analysis to enable all the members of the team inside of the organization to have admission to quality information for coming to a cleverer and well-thought decisions about developing to a more optimized state of operations. All-purpose partnership is extremely significant to corporations searching to optimize fulfillment all through the enterprise. Last Telelogic investigation held at the 2007 Enterprise Architecture Conference shows that majority of teams don’t possess the effective implements to transition from business, managerial and IT planning to the operation of important services and information systems. Just 27 percent of those reviewed use a model-based approach, at the same time most of respondents noted that they use verbal or written techniques to transform business aims into increase strategy. Consequently 80 percent of all respondents narrated that the applications and services that are evolved "only somewhat" reveal the wants of subject matter experts. With the help of System Architect and Tau, Telelogic tries to advance the ability either for technical or non-technical employees to attain the best possible resolution by means of taking part in every segment of the enterprise architecture and application development practice. Traceability is sustained from original business aims and necessities to realization to support in a better way company fulfillment and future degeneration analysis and audit. Utilized services and technologies reveal the existing business necessities and purposes and can be accommodated to altering business requirements. System Architect has been advanced to promote all-purpose partnership with the addition of a live incorporation among System Architecture and Microsoft's Visio drawing and diagramming software. With System Architecture 11.0, Telelogic also launches enterprise planning abilities by adding visualization and time-based classification and analysis. Besides, System Architect 11.0 supports the UML 2.1 standard, and this solution was incorporated with Telelogic Tau, Telelogic's environment for the model driven development of enterprise systems and software, to propose bidirectional enterprise architecture to IT workflow realization. Extra developments have been made in Tau 4.0 to support necessities engineering and the product's support for the model-driven SOA improvement. To conclude, at the moment System Architect 11.0 propose incorporated support for numerous federal protection standards, counting the Department of Defense Architectural Framework (DoDAF) v1.5, the Core Architecture Data Model (CADM), the architecture data element specification, and the DoD Architecture Repository System (DARS), a defense repository.